Friday, July 1, 2011

This Week in Beer

Since this blog is really about nothing, and everything at the same time...I guess there is room for beer notes!  I feel this one is worth mentioning.  I am a long-time fan of Bell's, as their Hop-Slam may be the greatest IPA ever.  Sorry Dogfish Head 120-minute.  I would do a 'Pepsi challenge' between the two if either could be purchased from Iowa distributors...but I digress. Today, I had my first taste of the Oarsman Ale.  This is apparently available year-round, but today was the first time I had seen it on the shelf.  This is a mildly sour and acidic brew.  The alcohol content is a mere 4%, making it a perfect session beer.  Having put down two since mowing the lawn in 95 degree heat, I am now feeling quite comfortable; but not sluggish.  Though I have no idea how it is mashed, nor what kind of yeast it contains; I think this must be a tribute to fine Flemish ales.  The head is thin, but bubbly. Though there is quite a bit of cloudiness, there is not the filling quality found in some blonde-colored ales.  I taste notes of green apples and green peppers.  Bell's has done it again!  This is a fantastic summertime ale!  I drank it with my stir-fry dinner, and it held up well.  This is a very versatile beer, which could be imbibed at any time for any occasion.  Well done Bell's Brewery!!

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