Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No More F***ing Rain!!!

What is the deal with the rain?  It's 95 degrees for four days, then back to 60's and 70's with rain.  This is not good for the guy who has to show up to work halfway dry.  Maybe I need to look into some waterproof panniers.  The weather this late spring reminds me a lot of the summer of 1993.  If it's going to be like that, then it's a good idea to prepare to be wet!  More to come on that.  I have spent the last two weekends accumulating tools to perform bottom bracket surgery on the old Rockhopper.  This will be my first unassisted attempt, and I hope all will go well.  If it does not go well...Rasmussen Bike Shop is right down the street!!  Wish me luck.  See you on the trail!

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