Today, I hiked the Lenawee Trail from Peru Creek to the top of Lenawee Mountain. I didn't read that much about it before I started, so I was surprised to find myself at the top of the East Wall of Arapahoe Basin Ski Area. Lenawee is one of many peaks on the Great Divide, and it seems one can see forever in any direction from the top.
After a three-hour hike to the summit, I stopped for lunch. As I finished a granola bar I heard large rocks moving above my head. Startled, and expecting a slide I turned and looked up to see three mountain goats descending from the rocky peak straight toward me. I stood and waved my arms thinking it better not to let them get too close before I was seen. They stopped not more than 30 feet away, and watched me as I watched them. One of them even appeared to be lounging as they, presumably, waited for me to leave. I grabbed my camera and got a little footage of this rarity.
I also saw Elk, some kind of Marmot-looking beaver things, mice, and plenty of birds. No bear sign today, and that was a good thing. The trip took about 5 hours, and was the best hike I've done since moving to Colorado.